

The Bioimaging facility is the central imaging facility for the department of botany. Operating electron microscopes (SEM and TEM) as well as a full optical microscopy suite, they are the frontline facility for biological imaging at UBC.

Earth and Ocean EM/XDF

The EM/XDF facility supports operates a full microprobe, scanning electron microscope and two xray diffractometers. Staffed by a dedicated group of technicians, they are fully equipped to provide excellent mineral characterization services to internal and external users. The EM/XDF is particularly well known for their specialization in quantification of mineral phases by Rietveld refinement.

Center for High Throughput Phenogenomics

The center for high throughput phenogenomics operates a state of the art focussed ion beam system for the precision milling and imaging of samples at small scales.

Chemistry Shared Instrument Facility

The SIF houses a full suite of wet chemistry characterization instruments. They offer most major light and chromatographic characterization techniques as well as AFM and NMR.

Chemistry X-Ray Crystallography Facility

The XRD facility in the Department of Chemistry offers single crystal diffraction services as well as powder diffraction. The Chemistry facility specializes in ab initio structural determination.